Udruženje estetskih plastičnih hirurga Srbije

Thigh lifting

This surgery is most often performed after significant weight loss, when thighs are limp, not tightened.

  • Duration of the surgery:

Two to three hours, depending on how voluminous is the surgery

  • Anesthesia:

General anesthesia

  • Surgical procedure:

Most often the scar is made in the groin area, along the inner side of the thigh. Excess skin and the fat is removed. The thigh is tightened circularly and vertically.

  • Postoperative procedure:

Hospital stay is compulsory for this surgery. Limited movements of legs, such as spreading and bending the legs, is advised. The recovery lasts for ten to 15 days. Wearing the garment is needed for one month.

  • Risks:

Hematoma, scars, infection, difficulty in healing or not healing the wound, thrombosis, fat embolism, hypertrophic or keloid scars, lymph stasis, and prolonged  lymph swelling on the lower legs and thighs.

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